I took the original list, mixed in what we found along the way to give you 15 Best Things to Do in Grand Rapids. I can’t tell you how many great travel tips we’ve received from various Uber drivers. Of course, making time to add in as many suggestions as we can get along the way. I always like to set up a list of the best things to do before we touch down in a city. There are so many cool Grand Rapids activities and attractions. Let’s be honest, many of us have no clue what to do in Grand Rapids. We’ve had a mutual obsession with hot beverages so we couldn’t wait to get our hands on all the cider, coffee and tea. So when Experience Grand Rapids invited us for a long weekend in the fall we were ecstatic. Both Meg and I have been chasing summer for the better part of two years. We were able to spend a long weekend discovering all the best things to do in Grand Rapids, Michigan.